Thursday, May 8, 2014

native plants for wet and dry places (workshop handout)

Drought-tolerant plants for dry, sunny, rocky or sandy sites

Lewisia spp. (L. redidiva, L. cotyledon, L. tweedyi, etc.)- showy, with succulent leaves, some species evergreen. Require very sharp drainage, prefer somewhat alkaline soil.
Sedum spp. (S. spathulifolium, S. oreganum)
Artemisia spp. (A. suksdorfii etc.)- aromatic plants with grayish foliage, small yellow flowers
Abronia latifolia- Yellow Sand-Verbena- succulent creeper of sandy beaches
Purshia tridentata- Antelope Brush- deciduous shrub of high desert, yellow flowers
Eriophyllum lanatum- deciduous perennial, attractive grayish foliage, small bright yellow daisylike flowers- loves gravelly slopes
Eriogonum umbellatum- rock garden plant, many spp in high desert
Balsamorhiza hookeri, B. sagittata, etc.- Balsamroot
Wyethia angustifolia, Mule’s ears- showy, large yellow flowers, fuzzy leaves
Grasses- Festuca roemeri, Danthonia californica, Elymus spp
Achillea millefolium- yarrow
Allium spp.- e.g. A. acuminatum
Calochortus spp.- Mariposa Lily, Cat’s Ears- stunning lily relative likes very well-drained soils.
Brodiaea spp- lily relative, graceful dry meadow plants
Dichelostemma spp.- closely related to and botanically shifting boundaries with Brodiaea.
Asclepias spp.- Butterfly weed- A. speciosa
Mentzelia laevicaulus – Blazing Star (not to be confused with the entirely different and unrelated Liatris, also known as Blazing Star.)- large, showy, high desert perennial in Aster family

 Plants for moist or boggy sites

Spiraea douglassi, Hardhack- very tall, rampant deciduous shrub for moist, sunny sites; long clusters of small pink flowers in early to mid summer
Salix spp- willows- many NW native spp
Lysichitum americanum, Skunk cabbage- deciduous perennial, large yellow spathes in spring
Juncaceae, Cyperaceae- rushes and sedges- many spp
Mimulus guttatus- yellow monkey flower, deciduous perennial
Cornus sericea (syn. stolonifera), Red-osier dogwood- to 12 ft tall, clump spreading by stolons to at least 12 ft across, deciduous, clusters of small white flowers followed by white berries, attractive red twigs
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Ledum glandulosum), Trapper’s tea, Labrador tea- 3-5 ft evergreen shrub, white flowers
Lonicera involucrata, Twinberry (shrub honeysuckle, deciduous, yellow flowers)
Myrica gale, Sweet gale- deciduous shrub
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, water cress- deciduous semi-aquatic perennial
Ribes lacustre, Swamp gooseberry
Stachys cooleyae, Pink hedge-nettle- rampant mint relative, spreads via runners and seed, horehound scented leaves, deep pink flowers a hummingbird hit; likes moist, well-drained, full sun locations
Deschampsia cespitosa, Tufted hair-grass- tall, moisture-loving grass with graceful inflorescences
Heracleum lanatum, Cow parsnip- closely related to the noxious weed Hogweed and also very similar in appearance to the noxious weed Poison Hemlock
Sidalcea hendersonii, Henderson's Checker Mallow- to 3 ft +, very showy, long-blooming


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